Market Your Business By Doing Good In The World

Somewhere along the “growing up” line, most of us learned to be frightened of marketing. It’s so big and burly and scary that companies dedicate entire departments to this big blob of FEAR. They take lots of classes. They write down lots of goals. They spend a lot of time going TO events.

I’ve discovered that the best way to get the word out about you and your biz is to do good in the world.

Yes! (more…)

Do Your Boundaries Need Strengthening?

Even though I told myself I would never get into another client situation where I felt like I was being taken advantage of, I got myself into another client situation where I felt like I was being taken advantage of.

I have no one to blame but myself. I got bad vibes in the beginning and I didn’t listen to them. It was a potential client who wanted a logo, then didn’t want the logo, then wanted the logo, then didn’t want the logo. Then disappeared. Then came back. Then said, “I want to hire you.” Then disappeared. Then wanted a lower price. Then agreed to my price. Then asked for the contract. Then sat on it for 8 months. Then came back.

Did I really think this was going to have a happy ending?

Well, it didn’t. I’m out quite a bit of income after putting in a herculean effort. (more…)

Organic Marketing Tastes Better

I got all freaked out about marketing, networking, and selling during my early years as a business owner. Whenever I tried to do it, I felt weird, nervous, scared, fraudulent, uncomfortable. It left a terrible taste in my mouth. As a result I didn’t market much.

Hard to be a profitable business with that kind of marketing approach/attitude.

Since I did not want to go back and work for THE MAN, I needed to find a way to conquer my distaste of conventional marketing.

I found the answer within myself — market in an organic way. Market who I am, not some 60 second drab elevator pitch that sounds like a pitch because that’s what it is. (more…)